Prevention and health education is at the core of what we do at the North York Lifestyle Medicine Clinic. We want to empower our community (including you!) with the right knowledge and skills to prevent disease in the first place.

This is why we offer our Preventative Health Lifestyle Assessment service.

No symptoms does not necessarily mean no disease risk; many chronic diseases like diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancer can develop silently for years without presenting any obvious symptoms. Through our Preventative Health Lifestyle Assessment, we help you to ascertain whether your current lifestyle is one that puts you at risk for disease. We present scientific advice to help give you the best chance at living an optimal life.

Below is the assessment form. Please complete the form to the best of your knowledge. Honesty is very important! (We are not here to judge but rather to gather the information we need to best advise you). Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this form as it is very comprehensive in nature. 

Your assessment form will be reviewed by the doctor and you will receive a follow-up email to book an appointment.

* Important: This assessment is for individuals who may or may not have a medical condition. Even if you feel healthy, you can take this assessment to uncover any potential disease risk and how you can optimize your lifestyle. 

Preventative Health Lifestyle Assessment